
Ippei Tsuruga is Social Protection Programme Manager for Indonesia at International Labour Organization. He has been managing programmes and providing technical contributions to social security reforms at the country level in Indonesia, Viet Nam and Myanmar, and also contributing to research and knowledge management at the ASEAN regional and global levels. He has been involved in various policy discussions and research activities on unemployment benefit, old-age, invalidity and survivors’ benefits, maternity benefit, sickness benefit, and the extension of social protection to workers in the informal economy. He has worked at the ILO Country Office for Indonesia and Timor-Leste, the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and the Social Protection Department; and JICA Washington D.C. Office, Research Department, Country Office for Kenya, and Africa Department for Kenya, Nigeria and Somalia.

Curriculum Vitae


10.2008 – 09.2008  MA in Poverty and Development, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, UK

04.2004 – 09.2008  BA in Law, Kagawa University, Japan


05.2021 – Present   Social Protection Programme Manager, ILO, Jakarta (Indonesia, Asia)

09.2023 – 11.2023  Visiting lecturer, Gadjah Mada University

01.2021 – 08.2023  Social Protection Programme Manager, ILO, Jakarta (Myanmar)

02.2020 – 05.2021  Social Protection Project Manager, ILO, Jakarta (Indonesia)

03.2018 – 01.2020  Social Protection Project Manager, ILO, Bangkok (Viet Nam, Indonesia, ASEAN)

04.2016 – 03.2018  Social Protection Policy Officer, ILO, Geneva

06.2014 – 03.2016   Representative, JICA, Washington D.C.

09.2013 – 03.2016   Advisory Member of Social Protection Network, JICA, Tokyo

07.2013 – 06.2014   Deputy Assistant Director, JICA Research Institute, Tokyo

05.2012 – 06.2013   Research Officer, JICA Research Institute, Tokyo

10.2012 – 09.2013   Visiting Lecturer, Kagawa University, Tokyo

07.2010 – 10.2010   Representative, JICA, Nairobi (Kenya)

04.2010 – 04.2012   Country Economist, JICA, Tokyo (Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, Eritrea)

10.2009 – 03.2010   Social Protection Child Labour Officer (paid-intern), ILO, Phnom Penh (Cambodia)


*A list of authored or co-authored reports (Update: 20 January 2024). Visit a Google Scholar page for the latest list.

Forthcoming. Indonesia: Assessment of the social security legislation for the ratification of the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102). ILO.

Forthcoming. Myanmar: Assessment of the social security legislation for the ratification of the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102). ILO.

Forthcoming. Cost assessment for an unemployment insurance scheme in Myanmar as at 1 October 2022. ILO.

2024. Severance pay in Indonesia: Evidence from a small-scale survey during the onset of COVID-19 pandemic. ILO.

2024. Just energy transition in Indonesia: The role of social protection in facilitating the process. ILO.

2023. Unemployment insurance in Indonesia: Challenges and recommendations. ILO.

2023. Feasibility study on an unemployment insurance system for Indonesia: Institutional and operational aspects. ILO.

2023. Survey on employment termination and income security in Myanmar: Summary of findings from a survey. ILO.

2023. Who pays the price of unemployment? Employment termination and income security in Myanmar. ILO.

2023. Maternity leave in metropolitan Indonesia: Evidence on duration, benefits and job protection. ILO.

2023. Indonesia: Financial assessment of the social security pension schemes administered by BPJS Employment as of 31 December 2020 and costing of sickness and maternity benefits. ILO.

2023. Social insurance and climate change in Indonesia: Implications for Adaptive Social Protection ambitions. ILO.

2022. The process leading to the establishment of an employment insurance scheme in Indonesia from an ILO perspective. ILO.

2021. Policy design for unemployment benefits in Myanmar: The Social Security Law, 2012, and Social Security Rules, 2014. ILO.

2021. Employment termination in Myanmar: Rules and payment on separation. ILO.

2021. インドネシアの社会保障の現状と課題. 日本ILO協議会.

2020. Exploring policy options for an employment insurance scheme in Indonesia. ILO.

2020. Legal, financial and administrative considerations for an employment insurance system in Indonesia. ILO.

2020. Jaminan Kehilangan Pekerjaan (JKP) – Inputs to the Government of Indonesia. ILO.

2020. Guidelines for the ILO wage subsidy programme in the garment sector in Indonesia. ILO.

2020. Rules and practices of severance pay in Indonesia – the Labour Law Number 13 of 2003. ILO.

2020. International practices of income protection for unemployed persons: Implications for Indonesia. ILO.

2020. Extending social security to self-employed workers. ILO.

2020. Extending social security to workers in the informal economy: Information and awareness. ILO.

2020. Extending social security to workers in micro and small enterprises. ILO.

2020. An assessment of the social protection needs and gaps for workers in informal employment in Myanmar. ILO.

2020. Wage subsidy in the time of crisis. ILO.

2020. Policy design of employment adjustment subsidy in Japan. ILO.

2019. How to extend social protection to workers in informal employment in the ASEAN region. ILO.

2019. Summary note on options for the design of a multi-tier pension system in Viet Nam. ILO.

2019. Extending social security to workers in the informal economy: Lessons from international experience. ILO.

2019. 社会保障改革を進めるアジア. 日本ILO協議会.

2017. Disability benefits. In: World Social Protection Report 2017/19. ILO.

2017. Regional perspectives: Asia and the Pacific. In: World Social Protection Report 2017/19. ILO.

2017. Regional perspectives: Africa. In: World Social Protection Report 2017/19. ILO.

2017. ケニアにおける老齢年金とアフリカの高齢化. The Povertist.

2017. 開発途上国のインフォーマルセクター・経済・雇用の用語解説. The Povertist.

2017. JICA監修アプリ「Jhappy(ジェイハッピー)」の改善案.

2016. 持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)実施指針の骨子に関する意見書.

2016. カンボジアの貧困問題の現状と見通し. The Povertist.

2016. ミャンマーの貧困と不平等.

2016. 開発途上国の社会保障の用語と援助潮流. The Povertist.

2016. 開発途上国の貧困問題の定義と統計分析入門. The Povertist.

2016. ベトナムの貧困と不平等. The Povertist.

2015. Chronic poverty in rural Cambodia: Quality of growth for whom. JICA.

2013. Policy challenges for infrastructure development in Africa – The way forward for Japan’s official development assistance. JICA.

2011. ケニア共和国JICA国別分析ペーパー. JICA.

2010. The role of a National Social Protection Strategy in augmenting human capital through promoting education, reducing child labour and eliminating its worst forms in Cambodia. ILO.