Entries by Ippei Tsuruga

2 years ago

Last weekend, I went to see my old friends in Tokyo after Yokohama for a meeting called ‘Student Summit’. One of my friends who I really missed was not there at that time, but I enjoyed having plenty of kimchi stew and talking to them about our future, goals and love stories during the whole […]

Japanese Youth Meets in Shikoku for Development

We had a big event in Ehime. Almost 40 students who were interested in environment, international issues or students organisation itself gathered and stayed for the past three days in Rainbow Highland there. We shared our experiences and information of volunteer organisations members joined. This extremely fantastic event motivated all of us.

Happy new year

Happy new year! Now I am in my home town with my family and have not been here for a year. During the last year, there were a lot of things happened around me. Those do not just mean I went to many foreign countries and saw hundreds of new friends, but also those changed […]

The final day of 2007

Getting at home town at the final day of the year, there are a lot to do in my home. To clean the rooms of our house is my work every year. At the 31th of December, many Japanese look back on their lives of last year. To me, this year was forgettable. I have […]

The end of one trip

On this Monday, I came back to my city in Japan after staying in Southeast Asia for 18 days. Having heaps of lovely and crazy friends, I’ve had pretty great time to study English in New Zealand. I’ll never forget having a drink and chat with them in the Irish Pub called the Mickey fin’s. […]