
国際労働機関(ILO)インドネシア事務所社会保障プログラムマネージャー。大学院卒業後の2010年4月、国際協力機構(JICA)新卒採用。アフリカ部アフリカ一課(ケニア・ソマリア・エリトリア・ナイジェリア担当)、ケニア事務所OJT、研究所企画課(TICAD V報告書、Africa 2050、米コロンビア大学共同研究、AFD・英サセックス大学共同研究、ワーキングペーパー等)、アメリカ合衆国事務所(総務・調達・経理、国際機関・研究機関連携、緊急援助)。2016年4月、ILO本部社会保障局(政策担当、ブリーフ・報告書制作等)、アジア大洋州総局(広域技術協力プロジェクトマネージャー、ASEAN共同研究、ベトナム年金制度改革、インドネシア雇用保険等)、インドネシア事務所(インドネシア・ミャンマー技術協力プログラムマネージャー、雇用保険新設・年金制度改革・出産手当金制度新設等)。


1987.07 – 1991.03 北海道士幌町立士幌保育所

1991.04 – 1994.04 北海道士幌町立学童保育所

1991.04 – 1997.03 北海道士幌町立士幌小学校

1997.04 – 2000.03 北海道士幌町立士幌中央中学校

2000.04 – 2003.03 北海道帯広柏葉高等学校

2003.04 – 2004.03 札幌予備学院

2007.02 – 2007.11 クライストチャーチ工科大学付属語学学校

2004.04 – 2008.09 香川大学法学部(法学士)

2008.07 – 2008.09 サセックス大学付属語学学校

2008.10 – 2008.09 サセックス大学開発学研究所(貧困・開発修士)


2010 国際協力機構(JICA) プロジェクトサイクルマネジメント

2012 国際協力機構(JICA) マクロ経済学・財務分析・債務持続性分析

2012 国際労働機関(ILO) 社会保障

2013 国際協力機構(JICA) インパクト評価

2013 法政大学経済学研究科 統計学・計量経済学


2005.07 – 2008.05 公益社団法人セカンドハンド ボランティア

2005.12 – 2007.02 家庭教師

2006.06 – 2007.05 香川大学大学づくり委員会 委員

2006.07 – 2006.09 渡辺さと子香川県議・植田真紀高松市議事務所 インターン

2006.12 – 2008.03 四国ユースネットワーク 共同創業者・香川支部代表

2008.03 – 2008.05 塾講師

2009.10 – 2010.03 国際労働機関(ILO)カンボジア事務所 インターン(社会保障・児童労働担当)

2010.04 – 2012.04 国際協力機構(JICA)アフリカ部アフリカ第一課 国担当(ケニア・ソマリア・エリトリア・ナイジェリア)

2010.07 – 2010.10 国際協力機構(JICA)ケニア事務所 所員

2012.10 – 2013.09 香川大学 客員講師(国際協力論)

2012.05 – 2013.06 国際協力機構(JICA)研究所企画課 リサーチオフィサー

2013.07 – 2014.06 国際協力機構(JICA)研究所 副調査役

2013.09 – 2016.03 国際協力機構(JICA)社会保障ナレッジマネジメントネットワーク メンバー

2014.06 – 2016.03 国際協力機構(JICA)アメリカ合衆国事務所 所員(総務・労務・人事・調達・経理班長、緊急援助・研究機関連携・国際機関連携兼務)

2016.04 – 2018.03 国際労働機関(ILO)社会保障局 社会保障政策担当官

2018.03 – 2020.01 国際労働機関(ILO)アジア大洋州総局 社会保障プロジェクトマネージャー(ベトナム、インドネシア、ASEAN担当)

2020.02 – 2021.05 国際労働機関(ILO)インドネシア事務所 社会保障プロジェクトマネージャー(インドネシア担当)

2021.01 – 2023.08 国際労働機関(ILO)ミャンマー事務所 社会保障プログラムマネージャー(ミャンマー兼務)

2023.09 – 2023.11 ガジャマダ大学 客員講師(社会保障)

2021.05 – 現在 国際労働機関(ILO)インドネシア事務所 社会保障プログラムマネージャー(東南アジア広域・インドネシア担当)





※単著・共著の一覧表です(2024年1月20日更新)。最新情報はGoogle Scholarで随時更新されています。

Forthcoming. Indonesia: Assessment of the social security legislation for the ratification of the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102). ILO.

Forthcoming. Myanmar: Assessment of the social security legislation for the ratification of the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102). ILO.

Forthcoming. Cost assessment for an unemployment insurance scheme in Myanmar as at 1 October 2022. ILO.

2024. Severance pay in Indonesia: Evidence from a small-scale survey during the onset of COVID-19 pandemic. ILO.

2024. Just energy transition in Indonesia: The role of social protection in facilitating the process. ILO.

2023. Unemployment insurance in Indonesia: Challenges and recommendations. ILO.

2023. Feasibility study on an unemployment insurance system for Indonesia: Institutional and operational aspects. ILO.

2023. Survey on employment termination and income security in Myanmar: Summary of findings from a survey. ILO.

2023. Who pays the price of unemployment? Employment termination and income security in Myanmar. ILO.

2023. Maternity leave in metropolitan Indonesia: Evidence on duration, benefits and job protection. ILO.

2023. Indonesia: Financial assessment of the social security pension schemes administered by BPJS Employment as of 31 December 2020 and costing of sickness and maternity benefits. ILO.

2023. Social insurance and climate change in Indonesia: Implications for Adaptive Social Protection ambitions. ILO.

2022. The process leading to the establishment of an employment insurance scheme in Indonesia from an ILO perspective. ILO.

2021. Policy design for unemployment benefits in Myanmar: The Social Security Law, 2012, and Social Security Rules, 2014. ILO.

2021. Employment termination in Myanmar: Rules and payment on separation. ILO.

2021. インドネシアの社会保障の現状と課題. 日本ILO協議会.

2020. Exploring policy options for an employment insurance scheme in Indonesia. ILO.

2020. Legal, financial and administrative considerations for an employment insurance system in Indonesia. ILO.

2020. Jaminan Kehilangan Pekerjaan (JKP) – Inputs to the Government of Indonesia. ILO.

2020. Guidelines for the ILO wage subsidy programme in the garment sector in Indonesia. ILO.

2020. Rules and practices of severance pay in Indonesia – the Labour Law Number 13 of 2003. ILO.

2020. International practices of income protection for unemployed persons: Implications for Indonesia. ILO.

2020. Extending social security to self-employed workers. ILO.

2020. Extending social security to workers in the informal economy: Information and awareness. ILO.

2020. Extending social security to workers in micro and small enterprises. ILO.

2020. An assessment of the social protection needs and gaps for workers in informal employment in Myanmar. ILO.

2020. Wage subsidy in the time of crisis. ILO.

2020. Policy design of employment adjustment subsidy in Japan. ILO.

2019. How to extend social protection to workers in informal employment in the ASEAN region. ILO.

2019. Summary note on options for the design of a multi-tier pension system in Viet Nam. ILO.

2019. Extending social security to workers in the informal economy: Lessons from international experience. ILO.

2019. 社会保障改革を進めるアジア. 日本ILO協議会.

2017. Disability benefits. In: World Social Protection Report 2017/19. ILO.

2017. Regional perspectives: Asia and the Pacific. In: World Social Protection Report 2017/19. ILO.

2017. Regional perspectives: Africa. In: World Social Protection Report 2017/19. ILO.

2017. ケニアにおける老齢年金とアフリカの高齢化. The Povertist.

2017. 開発途上国のインフォーマルセクター・経済・雇用の用語解説. The Povertist.

2017. JICA監修アプリ「Jhappy(ジェイハッピー)」の改善案.

2016. 持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)実施指針の骨子に関する意見書.

2016. カンボジアの貧困問題の現状と見通し. The Povertist.

2016. ミャンマーの貧困と不平等.

2016. 開発途上国の社会保障の用語と援助潮流. The Povertist.

2016. 開発途上国の貧困問題の定義と統計分析入門. The Povertist.

2016. ベトナムの貧困と不平等. The Povertist.

2015. Chronic poverty in rural Cambodia: Quality of growth for whom. JICA.

2013. Policy challenges for infrastructure development in Africa – The way forward for Japan’s official development assistance. JICA.

2011. ケニア共和国JICA国別分析ペーパー. JICA.

2010. The role of a National Social Protection Strategy in augmenting human capital through promoting education, reducing child labour and eliminating its worst forms in Cambodia. ILO.



2022. Tracer study of graduates of BBPVP Bekasi’s motion graphics and computer networks blended learning courses. ILO.

2021. A guide for employment services practical training package for employment services staff in Indonesia. ILO.

2021. A guide for employment services theoretical (e-learning) training package for employment services staff in Indonesia. ILO.

2021. Actuarial analysis of a proposed unemployment insurance scheme in Indonesia. ILO.

2021. Reforms of the employment insurance system of the Republic of Korea to cope with the COVID-19 crisis. ILO.

2021. Countering unemployment in the United Kingdom. ILO.

2021. Rapid assessment of information and communication technology skills demand in Indonesia. ILO.

2022. Video: Understanding employment insurance and active labour market policy (Lao). ILO.

2022. Video: Understanding employment insurance and active labour market policy (Myanmar). ILO.

2022. Video: Understanding employment insurance and active labour market policy (Bangladesh). ILO.

2021. Video: Understanding employment insurance and active labour market policy (Indonesia). ILO.

2021. Video: Understanding employment insurance and active labour market policy (English). ILO.

2020. Video: International experiences of five Asian countries on unemployment benefits. ILO.

2019. Extension of social security to workers in informal employment in the ASEAN region. ILO.

2019. Joint Statement: Towards Inclusive Social Protection System Supporting Full and Effective Participation of Persons with Disabilities. ILO.

2016. 香川大学OBインタビュー. 香川大学.

2016. Short Film – OCHAZUKE(お茶漬け).

2015. Growth is dead, long live growth: The quality of economic growth and why it matters. JICA/IDS/AFD.

2015. Industrial policy and economic transformation in Africa. Columbia University Press.

2015. The last mile in ending extreme poverty.

2014. Africa 2050 – Realizing the continent’s full potential. Oxford University Press.

2013. For inclusive and dynamic development in Sub-Saharan Africa. JICA.

2013. Development challenges in Africa towards 2050. JICA.

2013. Working Papers: Africa Task Force Meeting.

2012. ケニア共和国保健セクター情報収集・確認調査報告書.  JICA.



2023. Global social security framework and its development in Indonesia. Universitas Gadjah Mada.

2023. Asia-Pacific Social Protection Week 2023: Session 1-B Just transition. ADB.

2023. Adaptive social protection forum: Social insurance and climate change in Indonesia. ILO.

2021. Introduction to old-age pension. Indonesia, Ministry of Manpower.

2021. Employment insurance. Operational requirements for Indonesia. Indonesia, Ministry of Manpower.

2021. Comparative assessment of employment injury benefits in Indonesia against Convention 102. Indonesia, Ministry of Manpower.

2021. Possibility for pension reforms in Indonesia. Indonesia, Ministry of National Development Planning.

2021. What’s the problem of pension system in Indonesia? Indonesia, Ministry of Manpower.

2021. Old-age income security. Lessons from ASEAN Member States. Indonesia, Ministry of Manpower.

2021. 国際労働機関(ILO)社会保障局の仕事. 宮崎大学.

2020. National conference on international experiences of protection against unemployment and its relevance for Indonesia. ILO.

2020. Tripartite workshop on employment insurance parameters in Indonesia. ILO.

2020. Webinar on building institutional capacity to operationalize employment insurance. ILO.

2020. International labour standards on social security and employment insurance. ILO.

2020. How can tax funded schemes help extend social security coverage? Indonesia, BPJS Employment.

2019. International labour standards and existing schemes in Indonesia. Indonesia, Ministry of Manpower.

2019. Introduction to unemployment protection. Indonesia, Ministry of Manpower.

2017. 国際労働機関(ILO)社会保障局の仕事. 千葉大学.

2017. 国際労働機関(ILO)の概要:社会保障局の仕事. 学習院女子大学.

2017. 国際労働機関(ILO)の概要:持続可能な開発目標へ向けて. 神戸大学.

2016. 国際労働機関(ILO)の概要:持続可能な開発目標へ向けて. 学習院女子大学.

2015. 事例で振り返るJICA の「非」 メインストリーム事業:調査・研究を通して の国際貢献. ワシントンDC開発フォーラム.

2014. 質の高い成長は誰のため?. IDS/AFD/JICA.

2012. 国際協力を仕事とすること:香川大学から世界へ. 香川大学.


2024. ASEAN delegates gain insights from Korea on social protection schemes. ILO.

2023. Getting old before becoming rich. KOMPAS.

2023. Threatened with poverty in old age. TEMPO.

2023. Indonesia Has 7 Out of 9 ILO Standard Social Security. HUKUM.

2023. Survey highlights job termination levels and income security challenges in Myanmar. ILO.

2023. Indonesia to build resilience to climate shocks with Adaptive Social Protection. ILO.

2023. High-level Sri Lankan delegation visits Indonesia to study social security system. ILO.

2023. Indonesian inspiration: Lessons for Lao People’s Democratic Republic on social security. ILO.

2023. Tripartite representatives of Solo adopted a joint statement on pension reform. ILO.

2023. ILO calls for the policy reform on old-age income security system in Indonesia. ILO.

2023. Provincial tripartite consultation on old-age income security in Makassar. ILO.

2023. ILO presents its key findings on maternity benefit scheme at the tripartite discussion. ILO.

2023. Tripartite representatives of West Java Province adopted a joint statement on pension reform. ILO.

2023. Tripartite discussion for the establishment of maternity benefit scheme in Jakarta. ILO.

2023. The International Labour Organization supports in building capacity of social security institution in Nepal. ILO.

2023. It is time for Indonesia to invest in care leave and services. ILO.

2022. DJSN and ILO hold a discussion on the Pension Guarantee Scheme in Indonesia. DJSN.

2022. Government is working on a scheme to improve the pension guarantee programme. HUKUM.

2022. The urgency of gender equality in the social insurance for employment programme. TNP2K.

2022. Gender perspective required in employment social security programmes. KOMPAS.

2022. Only 10% of workers have pension security, the government needs to develop a strategy. DDTC.

2022. Despite some improvements needed, Indonesia’s unemployment benefit helps laid-off workers during the transition period. ILO.

2022. Indonesian unemployment insurance scheme reviewed for improvements after six-months of implementation. ILO.

2021. Indonesia enhances its human resources for more effective social security programmes. ILO.

2021. Engaging journalists to better promote the new unemployment benefit scheme. ILO.

2021. Indonesia to learn from the United Kingdom to set up public employment service. ILO.

2021. Extending social protection to Indonesian digital workers. ILO.

2021. ILO: Employment Insurance (JKP) – A step to deliver integrated assistance for job seekers. ILO.

2021. Indonesia to prepare integrated public employment service to assist unemployed finds a new job. ILO.

2021. ILO facilitates stakeholders learning on social protection. ILO.

2020. Indonesia to build a new scheme to protect the unemployed. ILO.

2020. Indonesia to learn unemployment benefit schemes from five countries’ experiences. ILO.

2020. Indonesia to improve its social protection system by adding unemployment benefit. ILO.

2020. The importance of strengthening social protection systems to cope with the impact of Covid-19 on the world of work. ILO.

2020. ILO says the time for formulating the Omnibus Law is right because social conditions are changing. LIPUTAN6.

2020. ILO discussed trade unions’ concerns of new unemployment protection programme. ILO.

2019. ILO and Fast Retailing group join forces to promote employment and social protection in Indonesia. ILO.

2016. 月刊しゅん「世界で活躍する十勝人(2016年10月号)」ソーゴー印刷株式会社.

2016. 東京圏NOW「JICAから国際労働機関職員に転身」十勝毎日新聞社.

2015. Growth is dead, long live growth! The quality of economic growth and why it matters. AFD.

2015. 事例で振り返るJICA の「非」メインストリーム事業:調査・研究を通しての国際貢献. JICA.

2015. CPAN Blog: Ending Chronic Poverty by 2030: What is Required for Implementation?(寄稿)

2015. 「アフリカにおける産業政策と経済転換」書籍刊行を記念し、国連総会サイドイベントを開催. JICA.

2015. 大学案内2016. 香川大学.

2015. 卒業生体験談. クライストチャーチ工科大学.

2015. 21世紀型の『質の高い成長』を考える-フランスAFDと英国IDSとの共同研究成果報告イベントを開催. JICA.

2014. JICA USA Welcomes Representative Ippei Tsuruga. JICA.

2014. IDS: From business card to business partner. IDS.

2014. 良質な経済成長に関するJICA-IDS-AFDの共同による研究会をパリで開催. JICA.

2014. 香川大学法学部OBインタビュー. 香川大学.

2014. 第5回アフリカ開発会議で発表した、2050年のアフリカに関する研究報告書を出版. JICA.

2013. アフリカ開発に関する研究成果をまとめた報告書4冊を先行公開. JICA.

2013. JICAの仕事について知ろう!. 公益財団法人香川県国際交流協会.

2013. JICA perspectives on inclusive and dynamic development in Sub-Saharan Africa. JICA.

2013. アフリカ開発の展望と課題をアフリカのリーダーが議論. JICA.

2012. JICA研究所、IDS、AFDが良質な経済成長について議論. JICA.

2012. JICA研究所と、スティグリッツ教授主宰のコロンビア大学IPDがTICAD Vに向けたアフリカ開発の今後について議論. JICA.

2012. 「アフリカの角」干ばつ危機に対する中長期的な取り組みを開始. JICA.

2012. ILOソマリア事務所との連携によりソマリア向け道路整備研修を実施. JICA.

2012. ソマリア共和国内における活動を21年ぶりに再開. JICA.

2011. ケニアの経験をソマリアの保健システム強化のために. JICA.





2021 – 2024. Promoting and building social protection in Asia (Phase 4). ILO/Japan.


2022 – 2023. Building social protection floors for all (Phase 2). ILO/GIZ.


2020 – 2021. Protecting garment sector workers: occupational safety and health and income support in response to the covid-19 pandemic. ILO/BMZ.


2019 – 2022. Unemployment protection in Indonesia: quality assistance for workers affected by labour adjustment. ILO/Fast Retailing.


2018 – 2020. Promoting and building social protection in Asia (Phase 3). ILO/Japan



2018 – 2020. Promoting and building social protection in Asia (Phase 3). ILO/Japan.



2021 – 2024. Promoting and building social protection in Asia (Phase 4). ILO/Japan.


2018 – 2020. Promoting and building social protection in Asia (Phase 3). ILO/Japan.




