












August 16th 1945, after the long trip from Rengasdengklok, Bung Karno, Bung Hatta and Ahmad Subardjo arrived on the house of Rear Admiral Tadashi Maeda at 10 PM. After a warm greeting from the young Admiral, the guest then explained about their intention to organize a meeting in preparation for the Independence of Indonesia.


Maeda then explained that they had to report to the Gunseikan (Japanese Military Government) first before organizing such meeting. At the Gunseikan office, they met with Major General Nishimura Otoshi, which then explained that Japan could not be a part of Indonesian Independence because maintaining Status Quo of Indonesia was a part of term of the Japanese surrender to the Allied Forces, The General also forbade the forthcoming meeting.


Back at Maeda’s house at 2.30 AM, still disappointed from the Generals response, they decided to Proclaim Indonesian Independence right away. Maeda then said that he didn’t want to interfere and went to his room upstairs.


At 3.00 AM, August 17th 1945, Bung Karno, Bung Hatta and Ahmad Subardjo sat at the long dining table, and started making the proclamation text. Bung Karno wrote the draft, the others conveyed their ideas verbally.


After the text entitled “Proclamation”, they agreed to put in the word, “We the People of Indonesia Hereby declare the independence of Indonesia”. Bung Hatta added the second sentence, a statement regarding the transfer of power. At last, the proclamation concept was finalized with some scribbling marking the ideas exchange between the conceptors.


Sukarno, Hatta, and Subardjo then headed to the main hall where everyone’s waiting.


Carefully and repeatedly, Bung Karno read the text to the audience. Then he asked the audience wether they agree or not with the text. Bung Hatta recalled, the audience delivered an enthusiastic and thunderous agreement. Then Bung Karno repeated the question, “Brothers! Do you really agree?” and they delivered the very same thunderous yes.


Then rose disagreement over who should sign the manuscript. Finally Soekarni moved forward and said loudly: “Not everyone of us should sign the manuscript, only two people on the name of the people of Indonesia, it’s Soekarno and Hatta”. The suggestion was accepted by the audience with applaus.


Then Bung Karno ordered Sayuti Melik to type the manuscript.


After the audience agreed with the concept drafted by Bung Karno, Bung Hatta, and Ahmad Subardjo, Bung Karno ordered Sayuti Melik to type the Proclamation Manuscript. Accompanied by BM Diah, he typed in the room right by the kitchen.


Sayuti Melik changed three words; “tempoh” to “tempo”, “the representative of Indonesia” to “In The Name of the People of Indonesia”, he also changed the date format of the text.

サユティ・メリクは3つの単語を変更した。「tempoh 」を 「tempo 」に、「the representative of Indonesia 」を 「In The Name of People of Indonesia 」に、彼はまたテキストの日付フォーマットを変更した。

After he’s done with the typing, the text was signed by Bung Karno and Bung Hatta on the piano by the stairs.
